I develop effective and rewarding programmes for my clients with a holistic approach that drives you to reaching your personal physical goals and living an overall more healthy and mindful lifestyle.
My interests in Buddhism, and my passion for yoga, have inspired me to develop a holistic approach for my clients that engages the mind, body and internal energy in our fitness training. In this way I believe we can truly have a positive impact on our overall health and wellbeing whilst pursuing the physical results we want.
This holistic approach centres around working on three key areas: your mind, your physique and your energy, the balance and focus of which will be tailored to your individual goals and needs.
Mindfulness helps us adapt to our everyday experiences so that they do not negatively affect our outlook and the things we are trying to do and achieve in life. It is a discipline that embeds a positive sense of self and improves our mental wellbeing. Through practice, we can learn to be in the moment and connect to our inner selves with an open and accepting mind.
Not only does this type of meditation combat against stress and anxiety but I believe this discipline also supports the right state of mind for effective training of the body. When we are able to clear the mind from distractions that disrupt successful training we can better concentrate and connect our mind to the muscles that are being activated and therefore gain better physical results.
Physical exercise of the body is medically proven to increase our overall health and wellbeing, reduce our risk of major illness and extend our lifespan. Through physical exercise, and the right nutritional intake, we can also sculpt our bodies and achieve the physical aesthetics we are aspiring towards.
The two main types of exercise are Aerobic (breathing harder and raising our heart rate and therefore increasing lung and heart fitness) and Muscle-Strengthening (workingout our muscles and therefore increasing our muscle and bone strength and regulating our blood sugar levels and blood pressure).
To succeed in physical exercise and gain the health and aesthetic benefits you need commitment, motivation, focus, resilience and good technique. Only through understanding our bodies and working with ourselves holistically can we truly make effective changes that improve who we are and how we feel.
Alongside our physical body is our subtle body; made up of different energy systems and layers of specific vibrations each with their own purpose and importance to our overall health and wellbeing. In ancient tantric traditions the subtle body’s focal points are referred to as Chakras.
The 7 main chakras can loosely be categorised as spirituality, intuition, communication, love, power, sexuality and survival. Through the practice of yoga we can activate unbalanced chakras, revitalise them, and create positive internal shifts within ourselves.
When we can harness and learn to control our energy it can also be utilised during training to get faster and more effective results. We achieve this with kriyas which are a series of breathing techniques (pranayama), physical poses (asanas) and oral sequences (mantras).